Take a look at the

Riverwalk Recreational Services Calendar

At Riverwalk Rec. Services, we are constantly exploring new ways to spend our time through meaningful  activities and community outings. While each month looks different, the schedule is constructed with the same goal in mind: to enrich the lives of our participants through movement, crafts, games, and outings. 

Our Monthly Calendar

Upcoming Events at Riverwalk

Christmas Tree Decorating

Participants will paint their own ornaments and help us celebrate the holiday season by decorating our center’s tree!

Regional Fire Museum

Participants will have the opportunity to explore the museum, and learn about the work of firestations.


Participants can have some holiday fun by walking around this market, purchasing some treats, or browsing for gifts!

Holiday Party!

Participants will celebrate the holiday season with an end of year party together. 

Engaging Activities for Everyone

Arts and Crafts

Music Classes

Life Skills


Board Games and Puzzles

Fitness and Yoga



Cultural and Holiday Celebrations

Community Outings

Pet Therapy Visits


Volunteer Opportunities

Riverwalk Store

Books and Reading Time

Air Hockey and Indoor Basketball


Bags, Badminton, Ring Toss

Calendars are posted two weeks before the upcoming month.